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Saturday 31 May 2014

Article in Magazine: "Anna Savina Talks About Permanent Make- up"

Article in Magazine:"Anna Savina Talks About  Permanent Make- up"

Latest  Trends. Summer Permanent Make up. Tips. How to choose the right master? How to look good and avoid common mistakes.

A Permanent Makeup procedure can dramatically change the appearance of any women in potentially the best AND worst way. If carried out by a qualified and well trained practitioner in Permanent Make Up amazing results can be achieved similar to plastic surgery procedures giving the client a rejuvenated look. On the other hand a poorly performed procedure will have a huge negative impact in not only the appearance of the client but also their confidence too.

What should you look for then you choosing a master? Primarily, the master must be a makeup artist and have a good taste and an eye for current trends. Using your skill, experience and judgement it is important you should always listen to the customer but advise what would suit and compliment them, this is not always what they ask for!  If you choose to ignore this advice and blindly follow the whims of your client , the results can be quite funny at times but not a good advert for you, the master! My years of experience has taught me never to carry out any client request if I feel it will not look good,  even if I am faced with losing the fee for this procedure because it will be a bad outcome for the customer and also damage my reputation.

What issues can be solved using Permanent Makeup techniques ?
Mainly correction of shape and color. For example correction of natural asymmetry ,you can change the shape or color of the lips and eyebrows. Generally this can make the daily life of a modern woman easier , making her beautiful every minute of the day.  In addition Permanent Makeup can give rejuvenating effects , as well as being applied to medical cases such as a cleft lip or scarring.

What are the trends for Permanent Makeup nowadays ? 
Today a more natural look is becoming very popular natural: almost imperceptible, which only enhances and emphasizes the natural beauty in a woman . I favour this idea myself.
What are the trends for this summer? 
Fashion trends are at the moment very focused on the eyebrows more than any other part of the face - this trend appeared last year. The 3D technique allows you to make thick eyebrows and increase the volume of lips 
The lip area at the moment is dominated by the use of natural colors, pastel beige for instance.  Sometimes even lightening the color of the lips.

If we talk about eye makeup , the shading or smudge effect is right on top of the "popular" list right now. Instead of using a clearly defined line - a light smoky effect is used instead.

What are the advantages of Permanent Makeup?
 The main advantage is the ability to always look good. In my own busy life I have come to appreciate the advantages Permanent Make Up offers me - it helps a lot!. It saves me a great deal of time in the morning and in the evening, if I want to look glamorous I find it's enough to just apply lip gloss and mascara.
Are there any negatives in your opinion?
bad master can disfigure a person for a lifetime . At best a bad procedure won’t look nice and at worst it can leave scars and produce hair loss. A lot more time and more money can be spent by the client correcting the problems

In general though any woman can have Permanent Makeup.

What aftercare an I use to preserve the results of my procedure for longer? 
The use of a good sunscreen can protect from the suns rays and avoid spoiling a great result in the long term.

Can the Permanent Makeup disappear after specified time period?
This all depends on the quality of equipment used and the pigments. If the pigments are defective, they can turn a red or blue color .
How to choose the right equipment ?
When it comes to selecting your equipment it is easy to just "Google" it and read about it . I can tell you though if it is Chinese or American equipment (which is  also produced in China ), it is better and safer to abandon the procedure altogether! It is very likely you will encounter problems. European equipment on the other hand is subject to serious quality controls and regulation giving both you and your customers the "peace of mind" only a top class job will be produced from it.
Are there recommendations for the choice of composition of the pigment ?
It is unlikely any of your clients will be able to differentiate between the different quality of pigments as they all have around 18 different components, my advice to ensure quality would be to concentrate on the country of origin .
What would be my recommendations for anyone wanting a Permanent Makeup procedure?
First and forememost, give preference to a "natural" colour set.  Even todays top celebritys almost never choose bright colours.

Using bright colours means it almost impossible to cover it if you wish to do so at any point in time . Your appearance should not be anything flashy or "loud" - this will make it impossible to hide . The emphasis should be on light accents, women should not wake up in the morning with what looks like evening make-up. it should be beautiful and  natural.

You can find  a lot more of useful info, videos and photos at my Luxury Permanent Make up by Anna Savina page
Please join, like  and share)
More than it, every Sunday at 17.00 London time or 22.00 Moscow time, i am holding my weekly an hour long live chat  "An hour with Anna Savina"  where you can ask all your permanent make up related questions and get answers in real time format)
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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Дермопигментация: Послеоперационные Рубцы

Дермопигментация: Послеоперационные Рубцы

Скрыть эстетические дефекты лица и тела – рубцы, депигментированные участки кожи, частичную алопецию – косметология и пластическая хирургия не всегда в силах.

В этих случаях сегодня все чаще применяют метод косметологической дермопигментации.
За последние 7-10 лет произошел стремительный рывок в области эстетической медицины и косметологии. Красивое, ухоженное тело стало визитной карточкой как современного делового человека, так и домохо- зяек, ведущих активную социальную жизнь. Врожденные нарушения пиг- ментации кожи, такие как витилиго, и приобретенные дефекты – шрамы, рубцы, стрии и т.д., могут значительно снижать самооценку их обладателя с образованием последующих поведенческих комплексов. Некоторые из вышеперечисленных дефектов поддаются коррекции при помощи терапевтической косметологии, другие – исключительно радикальными методами, относящимися к эстетической медицине.
Послеоперационное рубцевание. 
Пластическая хирургия, как уже говорилось выше, поз- воляет исправлять грубые эсте- тические нарушения. Но, к сожа- лению, одно из нежелательных побочных явлений пластической операции – образование постопе- рационных рубцов. Некоторые из них можно исправить при помо- щи косметологических уходов, а другие – только замаскировать. В этом случае на помощь приходит эстетическая и художественная дермография. Чем больше конт- раст между цветом здоровой кожи и цветом рубца, тем выразитель- нее результат. Конечно, необходимо уточнить, что в любом случае результат закрашивания эстетических дефектов татуажем будет выглядеть как тональный крем. Этот участок не будет загорать и при малейшем изменении цвета здоровой кожи будет выделяться. В нашей практике был случай, когда после крупной аварии и последующей пластической операции лицо пациента было покрыть рубцовой тканью на 70%. Методом дермопигментации рубцовая ткань была закрашена под цвет здоровой кожи, что дало потрясающий косметический эффект.
Сюда же стоит отнести депигментированные или рубцовые следы, остающиеся после уда- ления лазером кожных образо- ваний, чаще всего родинок. Эти участки закрашиваются методом дермопигментации под цвет здоро- вой кожи или восстанавливается удаленная родинка.
Слагаемые успеха
Следует заметить, что каждый пациент, обращаясь к специалис- ту по дермопигментации для уст- ранения эстетических дефектов, ожидает получить 100% резуль- тат. К сожалению, работа с кожей, как с живым, «капризным» материалом, полна непредсказуемых моментов. Успех работы зависит от взаимопонимания и доверия между специалистом и пациентом. Пациент должен получить макси- мум информации о предстоящей процедуре, четко представлять каждый этап работы и важность домашнего постпроцедурного ухода. Важно объяснить пациен- ту особенности выбора пигмента, учитывая входящие в них цветовые стабилизаторы.
Со стороны специалиста в данном вопросе возможно небольшое давление на пациента, так как окончательный результат может спрогнозировать только он. Необходимо предупредить пациента о возможной дополнительной коррекции (80% случаев), так как пигмент на участках, где кожа прак- тически заменена соединительной тканью, ложится очень плохо. Во многом успех процедуры зави- сит от домашнего постпроцедурного ухода, выполняемого самим пациентом. Тщательное выпол- нение предписаний специалиста помогает ровному, аккуратному восстановлению тканей и снижает риск осложнений – попадания вто- ричной инфекции и рубцевания.
Вы можете найти намного больше полезной информации , видео и фотографий на моей странице в фэйсбуке: Luxury перманентный макияж Анна Савина
Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь , лайкайте и делитесь )
Более этого, каждое воскресенье в 18.00 по лондонскому времени или 22.00 по московскому времени , я провожу мой еженедельный   онлайн чат "Час с Анной Савиной " , где вы можете задать все интересующие Вас вопросы о перманентном  макияже  и получить ответы в режиме реального  времени )

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Monday 19 May 2014

Dermopigmentation: Postsurgical scarring

Dermopigmentation: Postsurgical scarring

Cosmetology and plastic surgery not always can help to hide aesthetic face and body defects, such as scars, depigmented skin spots, partial alopecia. In these cases, the method of cosmetic dermopigmentation is used more and more often.
Plastic surgery, as it was told above, allows correcting crude aesthetic defects. But, unfortunately, appearing of postsurgical scars is one of the undesirable side effects of a plastic surgery. It is possible to correct some of them with the help of cosmetic care, but the others can be mased only. In these cases aesthetic and artistic dermographia can help. The more is contrast between healthy skin color and scar color, the more expressive the result is. Of course, it is necessary to mention that the result of filling aesthetic defects with the help of tattoo will look like a toner any way.
This skin area will not get a tan and in case of any change of healthy skin color it will be notable. There was an occurrance in our practice when after a huge crash 70% of the patient's facewas covered with cicatrical tissue. By the method of dermopigmentation the cicatrical tissue was painted like healthy skin. It gave fantastic cosmetic effect.
Here we can rate depigmented or cicatrical spots that appear after deleting skin formations by laser (molesarethemostoften). Thisspots are being filled with the help of dermopigmentation like healthy skin or a deleted mole can be re-established.
It is necessary to warn the patient about a possible additional correction (80% of cases) as pigment on the areas, where the skin is changed by connective tissue, is passed too bad. Often success depends on the home care after the procedure. Painstaking fulfilment of the specialist's prescriptions leads to smooth and neat tissue renewal and reduces the risk of complications (repeated infection and scarring).
Pigment matching is the first and very important stage. Specialst estimates healthy skin color and injuried area color. The selected pigment should be a little warmer than the healthy skin color, warm tints should dominate (yellow, orange) as it is important to remember that pigment will loose part of its warm colors after the tattoo healing and skin renewal.
Almost all the manufactures produce special collections of pigments for aesthetic dermopigmentation. Usually there are about 20 tints and it makes it possible to match a color for every kind of skin. Of course, accuracy of matching depends on the specialist experience. Pigment density defines the density and brightness of the area where it will be plotted. The more the contrast between the healthy skin and the injuried area is, the densier the pigment should be. It is necessary also to take into account the tint of the injuried skin (if it has). You can make a test on the first procedure. The matched pigment is being plotted on the small area and the result is being estimated after the total recovery. After the necessary corrections the specialist can fill the whole injuried area.
After the pigment selection it is necessary to select the method of plotting and prepare the equipment.
There are several main techniques used for dermopigmentation: contouring, filling, stumping. During the procedure specialist can choose one of them or their combinations. Contouring is used to make an accurate form or to plot the lines. It is used for lips, areola and hair imitation tattoo.
Filling makes it possible to fill required skin area homogeneausly. It is used in almost all kinds of the procedures.
Stumping is necessary to create a gradual crossing between the filled and healthy skin and for thin fillng as well.
Soreness is inevitable due to the fact that dermopigmentation process is connected with tissue injury, vessels and effectors. Power of pain sence depends on the individual pain limit, general physical and mental status etc. Methods of local anaesthesia (application and injectable) are used to make the procedure as comfortable as it is possible. For the application anaesthesia the cream "Emla" is being used. The cream is applied on the work area and is covered with the special "Tagoderm" plaster. (The cream "Emla" is interesting because of two anesthetics it contais - lidocaine and prilocaine. It provides maximal skin penetration due to the fact that it turns to the emulsion at a temperature of 25° С and due to the great amount of water it penetrates deeply into the skin). Such a bandage creates the necessary greenhouse effect that partly reduces the skin barrier function.
It is necessary to mention that each patient who comes to dermopigmentation specialist to delete aesthetic defects waits for a 100% result. Unfortunately there are a lot of unpredictable moments while working with skin, as it is live and "capricious" material. The success depends on the mutal understanding and trust between the specialist and patient. Patient should have maximum of the information about the procedure, clear envisage each stage of the procedure and realise the importance of the home care after the procedure. It is importante to explain to the patient specific features ofthe pigment choice taking into account color regulators they contain.
You can find  a lot more of useful info, videos and photos at my Luxury Permanent Make up by Anna Savina page
Please join, like  and share)
More than it, every Sunday at 18.00 London time or 22.00 Moscow time, i am holding my weekly an hour long live chat  "An hour with Anna Savina"  where you can ask all your permanent make up related questions and get answers in real time format)
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Monday 12 May 2014

Areola Aesthetic Dermopigmentation

Areola Aesthetic Dermopigmentation

Breast plasty is becoming more and more popular. It helps a woman to restore or to get a desired breast form. Some kinds of operations are carried out only with sections around the areola that always causes form, color disorder or serious posttraumatic scarring of the section. In this case aesthetic dermopigmentation is an ideal solution.
Highly qualified specialist can not only correct appeared defects but emphasize new desired breast form, making a woman even more sexual attractive. The right color selection and perfect technique are the most importante points of the procedure. Women who want to emphasize or change the natural areole color and form also turn to the service of dermopigmentation specialists.

Total recovery of the areola and nipple after total mastectomy.
Partial shape and colour correction of the areola afterf traumas or inherent disturbances.
Correction of cicatrices around the areola after mammoplasty.
Visual correction of asymmetry of areolas and nipples.
Colour correction of hypopigmented areolas.

Steps of the procedure:
  • Revelation of indications for the procedure and needs of patients.
  • Examination, revelation of alopecia focuses, cicatrical changes, etc.
  • Taking photos.
  • Colour testing.
  • Antiseptic treatment (Chlorhexidine, Desiscrub).
  • Anaesthetization
    (Mesonumb, Emla under an occlusive bandage) .
    Mesonumb, Emla under an occlusive bandage. Time of exposure is 25-30 minutes.

  • Procedure execution.
  • Treatment.
  • Post-procedural care.
  • Examination and repeated correction procedure.

    Pigment matching is one of the most important aspects of the procedure. Given the complexity of the skin colour structure, it is almost impossible to make dermopigmentation tone for tone. Besides, monochrome pigment will stand out if skin changes its colour, for example, gets tanned. A master should warn the client that to achieve the effect of healthy skin, she may need several procedures, their quantity depends on individual peculiarities of the skin and post-procedural care.
    Local application anaesthesia :
    During the procedure, you can apply 2-5% water solution of lidocaine on the damaged skin
    Movements and Technique :
    • Painting the areola – spiral movements, stroke back-and-forth movements.
    • Imitation of areolar glands – spiral movements, point movements.
    • Imitation of capillaries – linear slow movements.
    •  Painting the scar – strokes, cross and point 
    • Shape fixation on the skin – linear back-and-forth movements.
Sometimes it is impossible to correct skin defects of the intimate sphere by means of therapeutic and surgical medicine. Method of aesthetic dermopigmentation is often the last resort, when conventional methods of correction are impotent. 
You can find  a lot more of useful info, videos and photos at my Luxury Permanent Make up by Anna Savina page
Please join, like  and share)
More than it, every Sunday at 18.00 London time or 22.00 Moscow time, i am holding my weekly an hour long live chat  "An hour with Anna Savina"  where you can ask all your permanent make up related questions and get answers in real time format)
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Thursday 1 May 2014

Natural Effect in the Permanent Malke Up for Lips

Natural Effect in the Permanent Malke Up for Lips

   For producing a natural effect an artist should not change the lip shape considerably, especially if the lips are pretty pronounced, because the pigment is inside the skin and the border of a natural shape will be visible, especially when direct rays fall on it. Such variant is more suitable for a client who wants enhance the lips with the help of permanent make-up. An artist should pay attention to the central part of the upper lip, a so- called Cupid’s bow. A precisely outlined and corresponding to the philtral columns proves the lip youth. But it is possible to restore the lip youth, suffice it to accentuate this area with a fine line using white pigment. 

   By the way, white pigment is useful not only to the lip contour, but also for the bottom of wrinkles, which smoothes them out.

Quite often the clients ask to round the upper lip and thus enhance it. On the one hand, it visually makes the face look younger, because one of the first signs of lip aging is diminution of the lateral angle volume. 

  On the other hand, with

aging the mouth corners tend to go down and fold. Excessively round shape might only accentuate them. In order not to produce such an effect an artist can raise the mouth corners drawing them higher that the natural are. The upper lip in this case will remind of the arch shape. 

 To define position of the mouth corners cosmetologists have chosen Mona Lisa classification (presentation of dermatovenereologist Anastasia Sibel’s new Bilatero filler for contours plastic surgery of lips “Lips: anatomy and aesthetic classification for Merz company). Horizontal position has been called Mona Lisa o, raised corners – Mona Lisa+, lowered corners – Mona Lisa-. The most good-looking variant is Mona Lisa+, which allows the woman look young and accentuate her positive emotional state. 

You can find  a lot more of useful info, videos and photos at my Luxury Permanent Make up by Anna Savina page
Please join, like  and share)
More than it, every Sunday at 18.00 London time or 22.00 Moscow time, i am holding my weekly an hour long live chat  "An hour with Anna Savina"  where you can ask all your permanent make up related questions and get answers in real time format)

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